Working with Workspaces and Products

This tutorial has to goal to intruduce the main functionality of the WASDI Libraries to work with workspaces (see Wasdi Libraries Concepts for the main concepts).


Workspaces are the space where you can import files, run applications, run workflows, run your code, create and add your own files.

Each workspace has a Name, an Id (guid) and a owner.

Each workspace is hosted on a WASDI Computing node: this can be a shared node for generic users or a dedicated Computing node for premium users.

Each workspace can be shared with other WASDI Users.

Developers can access their own workspaces or the workspaces other users shared with them.

Workspace functionalities

Using the libraries, a developer can:

  • Get the id of the active workspace

  • Get the name of a workpace from the Id or viceversa

  • Open another workspace

  • Get the list of user workspaces

Workspaces Sample Code

The following python app make some sample of what you can do with workspaces:

import wasdi

def run():

        # Get The Active Workspace Id
        sWorkpaceId = wasdi.getActiveWorkspaceId()
        wasdi.wasdiLog("WorkspaceId is: " + sWorkpaceId)

        # Get the name of a workspace from the id
        sWorkspaceName = wasdi.getWorkspaceNameById(sWorkpaceId)
        wasdi.wasdiLog("WorkspaceName is: " + sWorkspaceName)

        # Get all the user workspaces
        aoWorkspaces = wasdi.getWorkspaces()
        wasdi.wasdiLog("User has " + str(len(aoWorkspaces)) + " Workspaces")

        # get the last workspace (we have at least one, this one!)
        oLastWorkspace = aoWorkspaces[len(aoWorkspaces)-1]
        wasdi.wasdiLog("Last Workspace is: " + oLastWorkspace["workspaceName"])

        # Open the last workspace
        sNewWorkspaceId = wasdi.openWorkspace(oLastWorkspace["workspaceName"])
        if sNewWorkspaceId == "":
                wasdi.wasdiLog("Error opening the last workspace")
                wasdi.wasdiLog("Now active workspace is " + wasdi.getActiveWorkspaceId())

        # Re open the original workspace
        wasdi.wasdiLog("Re Opened the original workspace " + wasdi.getWorkspaceNameById(wasdi.getActiveWorkspaceId()))

if __name__ == '__main__':

At the beginning we read the Id of the active workspace (getActiveWorkspaceId). This is defined in the config file and is the workspace where your code is running. Then we get the name of this workspace (getWorkspaceNameById).

We want next to get the list of the users’ workspaces (getWorkspaces): this method returns a list of dictionaries: each object has these properties


Next step is to open another workspace (openWorkspace): this method returns the workspaceId if ok, an empty string in case of error. Finally, we come back to our original workspace using the id we collected before (openWorkspaceById) and verify using its name (getWorkspaceNameById).

The output will be something similar to this: .. code-block:

WorkspaceId is: a5dc8f79-3e89-46b5-8d39-169e9ecb0a98
WorkspaceName is: TutorialWorkspace
User has 108 Workspaces
Last Workspace is: S3_Day_ActiveFire
Now active workspace is ab34e55b-d233-466b-983e-223b42915869
Re Opened the original workspace TutorialWorkspace

Products functionalities

The functionalities to work with products are:

  • get the list of products in a workspace

  • check if a product is in the workspace or not

  • get the local path of the product

  • add a new product to the workspace

Products Sample Code

The following python app make some sample of what you can do with products.

To make it run, you should create a workspace and put there at least one file using the WASDI Search web user interface or the upload.

Please note that this code can take some time to be executed the first time you run it beacuse it shows how to access file locally (so download) and to upload results in WASDI.


The goal of this tutorial is not to manipulate files so, the “new” file, is created just making a copy of an existing one with a different name.

import wasdi
import os
from shutil import copyfile

def run():

        # Get the list of file names
        aoProducts = wasdi.getProductsByActiveWorkspace()
        wasdi.wasdiLog("In the workspace we have " + str(len(aoProducts)))

        # Make sure we have at least one
        if len(aoProducts)>0:
                # Double check
                bCheck = wasdi.fileExistsOnWasdi(aoProducts[0])
                wasdi.wasdiLog("Product " + aoProducts[0] + " is on workspace? " + str(bCheck))

                # This line will return the local path: it assume you need it to open the image, so the first time will automatically download the image
                sLocalPath = wasdi.getPath(aoProducts[0])

                # Generate the name of a new file, not existing yet: start taking the original file without extension
                sCopyLocalPath = os.path.splitext(sLocalPath)[0]
                # add _copy and re-put extension
                sCopyLocalPath = sCopyLocalPath + "_copy" + os.path.splitext(sLocalPath)[1]
                # Make a local copy, as it was another file
                copyfile(sLocalPath, sCopyLocalPath)

                # Get only the file name
                sCopiedFileName = os.path.basename(sCopyLocalPath)
                wasdi.wasdiLog("We 'created' a second new file: " + sCopiedFileName)
                # Add the file to wasdi: this will upload the new file to the cloud

        wasdi.wasdiLog("Tutorial Done!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

The code starts taking a list of the products in the workspace (getProductsByActiveWorkspace). Just to show the functionality, it then checks if the first file is really available on WASDI (fileExistsOnWasdi).

The next step is to simulate a local file access: to open a file, you need a full local path: this must be requested to WASDI (getPath).

The same function can be used also to obtain a path to use to save your own file: our code just makes a copy of a file in a workspace with another name, using again getPath to have to path to use to save the file.

This copy is a new file for WASDI: to add it to the workspace use addFileToWASDI: please note that add file to WASDI takes as input only the file name and not the full path.