Python WasdiLib
Legal Notice
Disclaimer The library is provided “as-is” without warranty
Neither FadeOut Software (IT) Srl or any of its partners or agents shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, breach of expressed or implied contract; procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or profits; business interruption; or damage to any equipment, software and/or data files) however caused and on any legal theory of liability, whether for contract, tort, strict liability, or a combination thereof (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the direct or indirect use of software, even if advised of the possibility of such risk and potential damage.
FadeOut Software (IT) Srl uses all reasonable care to ensure that software products and other files that are made available are safe to use when installed, and that all products are free from any known software virus. For your own protection, you should scan all files for viruses prior to installation.
This is WASPY, the WASDI Python lib.
WASDI is an ESA GSTP Project sponsored by ASI in 2016. The system is a fully scalable and distributed Cloud based EO analytical platform. The system is cross-cloud and cross DIAS. WASDI is an operating platform that offers services to develop and deploy DIAS based EO on-line applications, designed to extract value-added information, made and distributed by EO-Experts without any specific IT/Cloud skills. WASDI offers as well to End-Users the opportunity to run EO applications both from a dedicated user-friendly interface and from an API based software interface, fulfilling the real-world business needs. EO-Developers can work using the WASDI Libraries in their usual programming languages and add to the platform these new blocks in the simplest possible way.
Note: the philosophy of safe programming is adopted as widely as possible, the lib will try to workaround issues such as faulty input, and print an error rather than raise an exception, so that your program can possibly go on. Please check the return statues
Version 0.6.2 Last Update: 10/03/2021
Tested with: Python 2.7, Python 3.7
- wasdi.addChartToPayload(aoXValues, aoYValues, sChartType='line', sChartName='', sSerieName='', sXAxisName=False, sYAxisName=False)
Adds a chart to the payload
param aoXValues Array of X Axis Values param aoYValues Array of Y Axis Values param sChartType Chart Type. The vaid types are enumered in wasdi.ChartType param sChartName Name to assign to the chart param sSerieName Name to assign to the serie param sXAxisName X Axis name. False to hide it. param sYAxisName Y Axis name. False to hide it.
- wasdi.addFileToWASDI(sFileName, sStyle='')
Add a file to the wasdi workspace
- Parameters:
sFileName – Name (with extension) of the file to add
sStyle – name of a valid WMS style
- Returns:
status of the operation
- wasdi.addParameter(sKey, oValue)
Adds a parameter
- Parameters:
sKey – parameter key
oValue – parameter value
- wasdi.getParameter(sKey, oDefault=None)
Gets a parameter using its key
- Parameters:
sKey – parameter key
oDefault – Default value to return if parameter is not present
- Returns:
parameter value
- wasdi.getParametersDict()
Get the full Params Dictionary
- Returns:
a dictionary containing the parameters
- wasdi.getParametersFilePath()
Get the local parameters file Path
- Returns:
local paramters file path
- wasdi.getSessionId()
Get the WASDI Session
- Returns:
Session Id [String]
- wasdi.getPassword()
Get the WASDI Password
- wasdi.getUser()
Get the WASDI User
- wasdi.getVerbose()
Get Verbose Flag
- Returns:
True or False
- wasdi.getWorkflows()
Get the list of workflows for the user
- Returns:
None if there is any error; an array of WASDI Workspace JSON Objects if everything is ok. The format is as follows:
- {
“description”:STRING, “name”: STRING, “workflowId”: STRING
- wasdi.getFoundProductName(aoProduct)
Get The name of a product from a Dictionary returned by Search EO Images
- Parameters:
aoProduct – dictionary representing the product as returned by Search EO Images
- Returns:
product name or ‘’ if there was any error
- wasdi.getProductBBOX(sFileName)
Gets the bounding box of a file
- Parameters:
sFileName – name of the file to query for bounding box
- Returns:
Bounding Box if available as a String comma separated in form SOUTH,WEST,EST,NORTH
- wasdi.getProcessorPath()
Get the local path of the processor (where is located)
- Returns:
Local path of the processor
- wasdi.getProcessesByWorkspace(iStartIndex=0, iEndIndex=20, sStatus=None, sOperationType=None, sName=None)
Get a paginated list of processes in the active workspace
- Parameters:
iStartIndex – start index of the process (0 by default is the last one)
iEndIndex – end index of the process (20 by default)
sStatus – status filter. None by default. Can be CREATED, RUNNING, STOPPED, DONE, ERROR, WAITING, READY
sOperationType – Operation Type Filter. None by default. Can be RUNPROCESSOR, RUNIDL, RUNMATLAB, INGEST, DOWNLOAD, GRAPH, DEPLOYPROCESSOR
sName – Name filter. The name meaning depends by the operation type. None by default. For RUNPROCESSOR, RUNIDL and RUNMATLAB is the name of the application
- wasdi.getBaseUrl()
- Returns:
- wasdi.setWorkspaceBaseUrl(sWorkspaceBaseUrl)
Set the Workspace specific API URL
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceBaseUrl – Workspace API URL
- wasdi.getWorkspaceBaseUrl()
Get the Workspace API URL
- Returns:
Workspace API URL
- wasdi.setIsOnServer(bIsOnServer)
Set the Is on Server Flag: keep it false, as default, while developing
- Parameters:
bIsOnServer – set the flag to know if the processor is running on the server or on the local PC
- wasdi.getIsOnServer()
Are we running on a WASDI Server?
- Returns:
True if it is running on server, False if it is running on the local Machine
- wasdi.setDownloadActive(bDownloadActive)
When in development, set True to download locally files from Server. Set it to false to NOT donwload data. In this case the developer must check the availability of the files
- Parameters:
bDownloadActive – True (default) to activate autodownload. False to disactivate
- wasdi.getDownloadActive()
Get the Download Active Flag
- Returns:
True if auto download is active, False if it is not active
- wasdi.setUploadActive(bUploadActive)
When in development, set True to upload local files on Server. Set it to false to NOT upload data. In this case the developer must check the availability of the files
- Parameters:
bUploadActive – True to activate Auto Upload, False to disactivate auto upload
- wasdi.getUploadActive()
Get the Upload Active Flag
- Returns:
True if Auto Upload is Active, False if it is NOT Active
- wasdi.setProcId(sProcID)
Own Proc Id
- Parameters:
sProcID – self processor identifier
- wasdi.getProcId()
Get the Own Proc Id
- Returns:
Own Processor Identifier
- wasdi.setActiveWorkspaceId(sActiveWorkspace)
Set the Active Workspace Id
- Parameters:
sActiveWorkspace – Active Workspace Id
- wasdi.getActiveWorkspaceId()
Get Active workspace Id
- Returns:
the WorkspaceId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.refreshParameters()
Refresh parameters, reading the file again
- wasdi.init(sConfigFilePath=None)
Init WASDI Library. Call it after setting user, password, path and url or use it with a config file
- Parameters:
sConfigFilePath – local path of the config file. In None or the file does not exists, WASDI will ask for login in the console
- Returns:
True if login was successful, False otherwise
- wasdi.hello()
Hello Wasdi to test the connection.
- Returns:
the hello message as Text
- wasdi.getWorkspaces()
Get List of user workspaces
- Returns:
an array of WASDI Workspace JSON Objects.
Each Object is like this {
“ownerUserId”:STRING, “sharedUsers”:[STRING], “workspaceId”:STRING, “workspaceName”:STRING
- wasdi.createWorkspace(sName=None)
Create a new workspaces and set it as ACTIVE Workspace
- Parameters:
sName – Name of the workspace to create. Null by default
- Returns:
Workspace Id as a String if it is a success, None otherwise
- wasdi.deleteWorkspace(sWorkspaceId)
Delete a workspace
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceId – Id of the workspace to delete
- Returns:
True if workspace could be deleted, False otherwise
- wasdi.getWorkspaceIdByName(sName)
Get Id of a Workspace from the name
- Parameters:
sName – Workspace Name
- Returns:
the WorkspaceId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.getWorkspaceOwnerByName(sName)
Get user Id of the owner of Workspace from the name
- Parameters:
sName – Name of the workspace
- Returns:
the userId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.getWorkspaceOwnerByWsId(sWsId)
Get user Id of the owner of Workspace from the Workspace Id
- Parameters:
sWsId – Workspace Id
- Returns:
the userId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.getWorkspaceUrlByWsId(sWsId)
Get Base Url of a Workspace from the Workspace Id
- Parameters:
sWsId – Workspace Id
- Returns:
the Workspace Base Url as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.openWorkspaceById(sWorkspaceId)
Open a workspace by Id
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceId – Workspace Id
- Returns:
the WorkspaceId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.openWorkspace(sWorkspaceName)
Open a workspace
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceName – Workspace Name
- Returns:
the WorkspaceId as a String, ‘’ if there is any error
- wasdi.getProductsByWorkspace(sWorkspaceName)
Get the list of products in a workspace by Name
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceName – Name of the workspace
- Returns:
the list is an array of string. Can be empty if there is any error
- wasdi.getProductsByWorkspaceId(sWorkspaceId)
Get the list of products in a workspace by Id
- Parameters:
sWorkspaceId – Workspace Id
- Returns:
the list is an array of string. Can be empty if there is any error
- wasdi.getProductsByActiveWorkspace()
Get the list of products in the active workspace
- Returns:
the list is an array of string. Can be empty if there is any error
- wasdi.getPath(sFile='')
Get Local File Path. If the file exists and needed the file will be automatically downloaded. Returns the full local path where to read or write sFile
- Param:
sFile name of the file
- Returns:
Local path where to read or write sFile
- wasdi.getFullProductPath(sProductName)
Get the full local path of a product given the product name. If auto download is true and the code is running locally, WASDI will download the image and keep the file on the local PC Use the output of this API to get the full path to open a file
- Parameters:
sProductName – name of the product to get the path open (WITH the final extension)
- Returns:
local path of the Product File
- wasdi.getSavePath()
Get the local base save path for a product. To save use this path + fileName. Path already include ‘/’ as last char
- Returns:
local path to use to save files (with ‘/’ as last char)
- wasdi.getProcessStatus(sProcessId, sDestinationWorkspaceUrl=None)
get the status of a Process
- Parameters:
sProcessId – Id of the process to query
sDestinationWorkspaceUrl – allow to ask for a status of a Process That is not in the actual Active Node
- Returns:
the status or ‘ERROR’ if there was any error
- wasdi.deleteProduct(sProduct)
Delete a Product from a Workspace NOTE: the method DOES NOT delete the pyshical file on your local Disk if the app is running in your environment.
- Parameters:
sProduct – Name of the product to delete (WITH EXTENSION)
- Returns:
True if the file has been deleted, False if there was any error
- wasdi.mosaic(asInputFiles, sOutputFile, iNoDataValue=None, iIgnoreInputValue=None, fPixelSizeX=None, fPixelSizeY=None, bAsynch=False)
Creates a mosaic out of a set of images
- Parameters:
asInputFiles – List of input files to mosaic
sOutputFile – Name of the mosaic output file
iNoDataValue – Value to use as noData. Use -1 to ignore
iIgnoreInputValue – Value to ignore from the input files of the mosaic. Use -1 to ignore
fPixelSizeX – double value of the output pixel X resolution
fPixelSizeY – double value of the output pixel Y resolution
bAsynch – True to return after the triggering, False to wait the process to finish
- Returns:
Process ID is asynchronous execution, end status otherwise. An empty string is returned in case of failure
- wasdi.printStatus()
Prints status
- wasdi.searchEOImages(sPlatform, sDateFrom=None, sDateTo=None, fULLat=None, fULLon=None, fLRLat=None, fLRLon=None, sProductType=None, iOrbitNumber=None, sSensorOperationalMode=None, sCloudCoverage=None, sProvider=None, oBoundingBox=None, aoParams=None, sFileName=None)
Search EO images
- Parameters:
sPlatform – satellite platform:(S1|S2|S3|S5P|VIIRS|L8|ENVI|ERA5)
sDateFrom – inital date YYYY-MM-DD
sDateTo – final date YYYY-MM-DD
fULLat – Latitude of Upper-Left corner
fULLon – Longitude of Upper-Left corner
fLRLat – Latitude of Lower-Right corner
fLRLon – Longitude of Lower-Right corner
sProductType – type of EO product; Can be null. FOR “S1” -> “SLC”,”GRD”, “OCN”. FOR “S2” -> “S2MSI1C”,”S2MSI2Ap”,”S2MSI2A”. FOR “VIIRS” -> “VIIRS_1d_composite”,”VIIRS_5d_composite”. FOR “L8” -> “L1T”,”L1G”,”L1GT”,”L1GS”,”L1TP”. For “ENVI” -> “ASA_IM__0P”, “ASA_WS__0P”
iOrbitNumber – orbit number
sSensorOperationalMode – sensor operational mode
sCloudCoverage – interval of allowed cloud coverage, e.g. “[0 TO 22.5]”
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider to query (AUTO|LSA|ONDA|CREODIAS|SOBLOO|VIIRS|SENTINEL). None means default node provider = AUTO.
oBoundingBox – alternative to the float lat-lon corners: an object expected to have these attributes: oBoundingBox[“northEast”][“lat”], oBoundingBox[“southWest”][“lng”], oBoundingBox[“southWest”][“lat”], oBoundingBox[“northEast”][“lng”]
aoParams – dictionary of search keys to add to the query. The system will add key=value to the query sent to WASDI. The parameters for each collection can be found on the on line documentation
sFileName – name of a specific file to search
- Returns:
a list of results represented as a Dictionary with many properties. The dictionary has the “fileName” and “relativeOrbit” properties among the others
- wasdi.setVerbose(bVerbose)
Sets verbosity :param boolean bVerbose: False non verbose, True verbose :return:
- wasdi.setParametersDict(aoParams)
Get the full Params Dictionary
- Parameters:
aoParams – dictionary of Parameters
- Returns:
a dictionary containing the parameters
- wasdi.setUser(sUser)
Sets the WASDI User
- Parameters:
sUser – WASDI UserID
- Returns:
- wasdi.setPassword(sPassword)
Set the WASDI Password
- wasdi.setSessionId(sSessionId)
Set the WASDI Session
- wasdi.setParametersFilePath(sParamPath)
Set The Parameters JSON File Path
- Param:
sParamPath Local Path of the parameters file
- wasdi.setBasePath(sBasePath)
Set the local Base Path for WASDI
- Parameters:
sBasePath – local WASDI base Path. If not set, by default WASDI uses [USERHOME].wasdi
- wasdi.getBasePath()
Get the local Base Path for WASDI
- Returns:
local base path for WASDI
- wasdi.setBaseUrl(sBaseUrl)
- Parameters:
- wasdi.setProcessPayload(sProcessId, data)
Saves the Payload of a process
- Parameters:
sProcessId – Id of the process
data – data to write in the payload. Suggestion to use a JSON
- Returns:
the updated status as a String or ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi.setPayload(data)
Sets the payload of the current running process. The payload is saved only when run on Server. In local mode is just a print.
- Parameters:
data – data to save in the payload. Suggestion is to use JSON
return None
- wasdi.getProcessorPayload(sProcessObjId, bAsJson=False)
Retrieves the payload
- Parameters:
sProcessObjId – a valid processor obj id
bAsJson – flag to indicate whether the payload is a json object: if True, then a dictionary is returned
- Returns:
the processor payload if present, None otherwise
- wasdi.getProcessorPayloadAsJson(sProcessObjId)
Retrieves the payload in json format using getProcessorPayload
- Parameters:
sProcessObjId – a valid processor obj id
- Returns:
the processor payload if present as a dictionary, None otherwise
- wasdi.setSubPid(sProcessId, iSubPid)
Set the sub pid
- Parameters:
sProcessId – Id of the process
iSubPid – PID of the physical process
- Returns:
the updated status as a String or ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi.saveFile(sFileName)
Ingest a new file in the Active WASDI Workspace. The method takes a file saved in the workspace root (see getSaveFilePath) not already added to the WS To work be sure that the file is on the server
- Param:
Name of the file to add to the workpsace
- Returns:
Status of the operation
- wasdi.updateProgressPerc(iPerc)
Update the actual progress Percentage of the processor
- Parameters:
iPerc – new Percentage. Use a value between 0 and 100 to set it. The value must be an integer
- Returns:
updated status of the process or ‘’ if there was any error
- wasdi.updateProcessStatus(sProcessId, sStatus, iPerc=-1)
Update the status of a process
- Parameters:
sProcessId – Id of the process to update.
sStatus – Status of the process. Can be CREATED, RUNNING, STOPPED, DONE, ERROR, WAITING, READY
iPerc – percentage of complete of the processor. Use -1 to ignore Percentage. Use a value between 0 and 100 to set it.
- Returns:
the updated status as a String or ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi.updateStatus(sStatus, iPerc=-1)
Update the status of the running process
- Parameters:
iPerc – new Percentage.-1 By default, means no change percentage. Use a value between 0 and 100 to set it.
- Returns:
the updated status as a String or ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi.waitProcess(sProcessId, sDestinationWorkspaceUrl=None)
Wait for a process to End
- Parameters:
sProcessId – Id of the process to wait
- Returns:
output status of the process
- wasdi.waitProcesses(asProcIdList)
Wait for a list of processes to wait. The list of processes is an array of strings, each with a proc id to wait
- Parameters:
asProcIdList – list of strings, procId, to wait
- Returns:
list of strings with the same number of elements in input, with the exit status of the processes
- wasdi._downloadFile(sFileName)
Download a file from WASDI
- Parameters:
sFileName – file to download
- Returns:
- wasdi.wasdiLog(sLogRow)
Write one row of Log
- Parameters:
sLogRow – text to log
- Returns:
- wasdi.fileExistsOnWasdi(sFileName)
checks if a file already exists on WASDI or not
- Parameters:
sFileName – file name with extension
- Returns:
True if the file exists, False otherwise
- wasdi.importProductByFileUrl(sFileUrl=None, sName=None, sBoundingBox=None, sProvider=None, sVolumeName=None, sVolumePath=None)
Imports a product from a Provider in WASDI, starting from the File URL.
- Parameters:
sFileUrl – url of the file to import
sName – Name of the file to import as returned by the Data Provider
sBoundingBox – declared bounding box of the file to import
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider to use. Use None for Default
sVolumeName – if the file is in a Volume, the name of the volume
sVolumePath – if the file is in a Volume, the path of the file in the volume
- Returns:
execution status as a STRING. Can be DONE, ERROR, STOPPED.
- wasdi.asynchImportProductByFileUrl(sFileUrl=None, sName=None, sBoundingBox=None, sProvider=None, sVolumeName=None, sVolumePath=None)
Asynch Import of a product from a Provider in WASDI, starting from file URL
- Parameters:
sFileUrl – url of the file to import as returned by the data provider
sName – Name of the file to import as returned by the Data Provider
sBoundingBox – declared bounding box of the file to import
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
sVolumeName – if the file is in a Volume, the name of the volume
sVolumePath – if the file is in a Volume, the path of the file in the volume
- Returns:
ProcessId of the Download Operation, “DONE” if the file is imported or “ERROR” if there is any problem
- wasdi.importProduct(oProduct, sProvider=None)
Imports a product from a Provider in WASDI starting from the object returned by searchEOImages
- Parameters:
oProduct – product dictionary as returned by searchEOImages
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
- Returns:
execution status as a STRING. Can be DONE, ERROR, STOPPED.
- wasdi.asynchImportProduct(oProduct, sProvider=None)
Asynch Import a product from a Provider in WASDI starting from the object returned by searchEOImages
- Parameters:
oProduct – product dictionary as returned by searchEOImages
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
- Returns:
ProcessId of the Download Operation or “ERROR” if there is any problem
- wasdi.importProductList(aoProducts, sProvider=None)
Imports a list of product from a Provider in WASDI starting from an array of objects returned by searchEOImages
- Parameters:
aoProducts – Array of product dictionary as returned by searchEOImages
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
- Returns:
execution status as an array of STRINGs, one for each product in input. Can be CREATED, DONE, ERROR, STOPPED, WAITING, READY
- wasdi.asynchImportProductList(aoProducts, sProvider=None)
Asynch Import a list of product from a Provider in WASDI starting from an array of objects returned by searchEOImages
- Parameters:
aoProducts – Array of product dictionary as returned by searchEOImages
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
- Returns:
array of the ProcessId of the Download Operations. An element can be “ERROR” if there was any problem
- wasdi.asynchAddFileToWASDI(sFileName, sStyle='')
Triggers the ingestion of File Name in the workspace
- Param:
sFileName: Name (with extension) of the file to add
- Parameters:
sStyle – name of a valid WMS style
- Returns:
Process Id of the ingestion
- wasdi.importAndPreprocess(aoImages, sWorkflow, sPreProcSuffix='_proc.tif', sProvider=None)
Imports in WASDI and apply a SNAP Workflow to an array of EO Images as returned by searchEOImages
- Parameters:
aoImages – array of images to import as returned by searchEOImages
sWorkflow – name of the workflow to apply to each imported images
sProvider – WASDI Data Provider. Use None for default
sPreProcSuffix – suffix to use for the name of the output of the workflows
- Returns:
- wasdi.asynchExecuteProcessor(sProcessorName, aoParams={})
Legacy: use executeProcessor Executes a WASDI Processor asynchronously. The method try up to three time if there is any problem.
- Parameters:
sProcessorName – WASDI processor name
aoParams – a dictionary of parameters for the processor
- Returns:
the Process Id if every thing is ok, ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi.executeProcessor(sProcessorName, aoProcessParams)
Executes a WASDI Processor asynchronously. The method try up to three time if there is any problem.
- Parameters:
sProcessorName – WASDI processor name
aoParams – a dictionary of parameters for the processor
- Returns:
the Process Id if every thing is ok, ‘’ if there was any problem
- wasdi._uploadFile(sFileName)
Uploads a file to WASDI
- Parameters:
sFileName – name of file inside working directory OR path to file RELATIVE to working directory
- Returns:
True if succeded, False otherwise
- wasdi.subset(sInputFile, sOutputFile, dLatN, dLonW, dLatS, dLonE)
Creates a Subset of an image:
- Parameters:
sInputFile – Input file
sOutputFile – Output File
dLatN – Latitude north of the subset
dLonW – Longitude west of the subset
dLatS – Latitude South of the subset
dLonE – Longitude Est of the subset
- wasdi.multiSubset(sInputFile, asOutputFiles, adLatN, adLonW, adLatS, adLonE, bBigTiff=False)
Creates a Many Subsets from an image. MAX 10 TILES PER CALL
- Parameters:
sInputFile – Input file
sOutputFile – Array of Output File Names
dLatN – Array of Latitude north of the subset
dLonW – Array of Longitude west of the subset
dLatS – Array of Latitude South of the subset
dLonE – Array of Longitude Est of the subset
- wasdi.executeWorkflow(asInputFileNames, asOutputFileNames, sWorkflowName, aoTemplateParams=None)
Execute a SNAP Workflow available in WASDI (you can use WASDI to upload your SNAP Graph XML and use from remote)
- Parameters:
asInputFileNames – array of the inputs of the workflow. Must correspond to the number of inputs of the workflow.
asOutputFileNames – array of the outputs of the workflow. Must correspond to the number of inputs of the workflow.
sWorkflowName – Name of the workflow to run
aoTemplateParams – Dictionary with strings KEY-VALUE that will be used to fill potential parameters in the Workflow XML. Wasdi will search the XML for the strings in the keys and replace with the value here provided
- Returns:
final status of the executed Workflow
- wasdi.asynchExecuteWorkflow(asInputFileNames, asOutputFileNames, sWorkflowName, aoTemplateParams=None)
Trigger the asynch execution of a SNAP Workflow available in WASDI (you can use WASDI to upload your SNAP Graph XML and use from remote)
- Parameters:
asInputFileNames – array of the inputs of the workflow. Must correspond to the number of inputs of the workflow.
asOutputFileNames – array of the outputs of the workflow. Must correspond to the number of inputs of the workflow.
sWorkflowName – Name of the workflow to run
aoTemplateParams – Dictionary with strings KEY-VALUE that will be used to fill potential parameters in the Workflow XML. Wasdi will search the XML for the strings in the keys and replace with the value here provided
- Returns:
Process Id of the started workflow
- wasdi.asynchMosaic(asInputFiles, sOutputFile, iNoDataValue=None, iIgnoreInputValue=None, fPixelSizeX=None, fPixelSizeY=None)
Start a mosaic out of a set of images in asynch way
- Parameters:
asInputFiles – List of input files to mosaic
sOutputFile – Name of the mosaic output file
iNoDataValue – Value to use as noData. Use -1 to ignore
iIgnoreInputValue – Value to ignore from the input files of the mosaic. Use -1 to ignore
fPixelSizeX – double value of the output pixel X resolution
fPixelSizeY – double value of the output pixel Y resolution
- Returns:
Process ID is asynchronous execution, end status otherwise. An empty string is returned in case of failure
- wasdi.copyFileToSftp(sFileName, bAsynch=None, sRelativePath=None)
Copy a file from a workspace to the WASDI user’s SFTP Folder
- Parameters:
sFileName – FIle name (with extension, without path) to copy in the SFTP folder
bAsynch – True to return after the triggering, False to wait the process to finish
- Returns:
Process ID is asynchronous execution, end status otherwise. An empty string is returned in case of failure
- wasdi._log(sLog)
Internal Log function
- Parameters:
sLog – text row to log
- wasdi._getStandardHeaders()
Get the standard headers for a WASDI API Call, setting also the session token
- Returns:
dictionary of headers to add to the REST API
- wasdi._loadConfig(sConfigFilePath)
Loads configuration from given file
- Parameters:
sConfigFilePath – a string containing a path to the configuration file
- wasdi._loadParams()
Loads parameters from file, if specified in configuration file
- wasdi._unzip(sAttachmentName, sPath)
Unzips a file
- Parameters:
sAttachmentName – filename to unzip
sPath – both the path where the file is and where it must be unzipped
- Returns:
- wasdi._normPath(sPath)
Normalizes path by adjusting separator
- Parameters:
sPath – a path to be normalized
- Returns:
the normalized path
- wasdi._internalExecuteWorkflow(asInputFileNames, asOutputFileNames, sWorkflowName, bAsynch=False, aoTemplateParams=None)
Internal call to execute workflow
- Parameters:
asInputFileNames – name of the file in input (string WITH extension) or array of strings of the files in input (WITH extension)
asOutputFileNames – name of the file in output (string WITH extension) or array of strings of the files in output (WITH extension)
sWorkflowName – name of the SNAP workflow uploaded in WASDI
bAsynch – true to run asynch, false to run synch
aoTemplateParams – Dictionary with strings KEY-VALUE that will be used to fill potential parameters in the Workflow XML. Wasdi will search the XML for the strings in the keys and replace with the value here provided
- Returns:
processID if asynch, status of the executed process if synch, empty string in case of failure
- wasdi._fileOnNode(sFileName)
checks if a file already exists on the node of the workspace or not
- Parameters:
sFileName – file name with extension
- Returns:
True if the file exists, False otherwise