Signing Up and Signing In

To create an account on , navigate to the homepage and click “Sign Up”.


To create a WASDI account, either click New User? Register here! link.

../_images/legacy-login-form.png ../_images/keycloak-signup.png

To register, the user must input:

  • A vaild email address (this will be your User Id in WASDI).

  • A password

  • A first name and last name

Keycloak Login

You are also able to create a new account via WASDI’s authentication parter Keycloak. To create an account with Keycloak, either click Sign Up in the top right-hand corner or click Login, then Sign in with WASDI Login 2.0, and finally click New User? Register.

../_images/signup-click.png ../_images/keycloak-signup.png

After you’ve successfully created an account via either method, you will receive a confirmation email. Once you have followed any prompts in this email, you will be able to use WASDI!